Turning a whole side of fish on the grill is easier if you use a fish-shaped grilling basket. Fire Roasted Vidalia Onion Halves make an ideal dinner accompaniment...
Salmon is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and brain. This recipe for coriander-crusted...
A natural affinity exists between salmon and mustard. In this dinner recipe, a sauce of fresh lemon juice and herbs temper the heat of the mustard, but...
This dish is incredibly flavorful and unbelievably simple. Soy sauce and orange juice permeate the fish, while toasted-sesame oil gives it a nutty accent....
This superfood salad combines omega-rich salmon, lentils, Greek yogurt, and a warming curry vinaigrette to create a nutritious and totally delicious weeknight...
As this this easy and elegant recipe for roasted wild salmon demonstrates, fennel with seafood is a match made in food-pairing heaven. Salmon fillets are...
Creamy cannellini beans, sauteed with rosemary and lemon zest, provide a fragrant and delicious bed for steamed salmon in this easy and delicious weeknight...
Quick-cooking salmon fillets are flavored with honey-mustard vinaigrette and a delicious breadcrumb topping; crisp green beans complete the meal. (Reserve...
The yuzu is a relative of an Asian breed of mandarin orange, and its unique taste touts hints of lemon and grapefruit. It perks up a piece of salmon with...
Cooking fresh salmon en papillote (that is, in parchment) is a messproof way to coax the most flavor from the fish without adding a lot of oil or butter...
While this seafood recipe calls for poaching the fish, you can also roast in an oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes.From the book "Mad Hungry," by...